Castle Kennedy Gardens (Stair Estates) Ticket Portal


Take in the beauty of the historical gardens situated on an isthmus, with 75 acres of sculptured landscapes, magnificent avenues radiating out from the iconic ruins of Castle Kennedy, and an impressive collection of rhododendrons, championship trees and rare species.      

Due to damage caused to the Gardens by Storm Eowyn, our weekend openings will begin a month later this year beginning on Saturday 1st March. 

Please note:

•    Tickets include access to Castle Kennedy Gardens only.
•    Tickets to Castle Kennedy Gardens do not include entry to additional events, workshops or activities.
•    Visitors can visit the Gardens from 10am to 5pm daily.
•    Some dates are unavailable due to events where special tickets are required.  Please visit our website for more information about our events.
•    Occasionally we will be closed for private events and tickets will not be able to be purchased for those dates.
•    Castle Kennedy Gardens will remain open whatever the weather unless we deem that weather conditions pose a health and safety risk to our visitors and staff. We will make every effort to reschedule tickets if we close for health and safety reasons.
•    Tickets booked in error are not refundable.

Ticket options

  • Adult

    16 years old and over

    0 30 max

    16 years old and over

  • Concession

    60 years and over

    0 50 max

    60 years and over

  • Child

    Children 3-15 years old

    0 30 max

    Children 3-15 years old

  • Child under 3
    Child under 3

    Children under 3 free

    0 30 max

    Children under 3 free

  • Disabled
    0 30 max
  • Adult Carer
    Adult Carer

    Proof required on arrival - a benefit Award Letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (e.g. for Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance or Incapacity Benefit) or a Blue Badge.

    0 30 max

    Proof required on arrival - a benefit Award Letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (e.g. for Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance or Incapacity Benefit) or a Blue Badge.

  • Family - 2 Adults
    Family - 2 Adults

    2 adults and 2 children

    0 30 max

    2 adults and 2 children

  • Family - 1 Adult
    Family - 1 Adult

    1 adult and 2 children

    0 30 max

    1 adult and 2 children

  • Gardeners World 2 for 1 - entry for two
    Gardeners World 2 for 1 - entry for two

    Must provide a copy of the GW Voucher at point of entry.

    0 30 max

    Must provide a copy of the GW Voucher at point of entry.

  • Friend of the Garden: Family 2+4
    Friend of the Garden: Family 2+4
    0 30 max
  • RHS Members - Tuesday & Friday
    RHS Members - Tuesday & Friday

    Must present a valid copy of RHS membership at point of entry.

    0 30 max

    Must present a valid copy of RHS membership at point of entry.

  • Knockinaam Hotel Voucher Concession
    Knockinaam Hotel Voucher Concession


    0 30 max



Take in the beauty of the historical gardens situated on an isthmus, with 75 acres of sculptured landscapes, magnificent avenues radiating out from the iconic ruins of Castle Kennedy, and an impressive collection of rhododendrons, championship trees and rare species.      

Due to damage caused to the Gardens by Storm Eowyn, our weekend openings will begin a month later this year beginning on Saturday 1st March. 

Please note:

•    Tickets include access to Castle Kennedy Gardens only.
•    Tickets to Castle Kennedy Gardens do not include entry to additional events, workshops or activities.
•    Visitors can visit the Gardens from 10am to 5pm daily.
•    Some dates are unavailable due to events where special tickets are required.  Please visit our website for more information about our events.
•    Occasionally we will be closed for private events and tickets will not be able to be purchased for those dates.
•    Castle Kennedy Gardens will remain open whatever the weather unless we deem that weather conditions pose a health and safety risk to our visitors and staff. We will make every effort to reschedule tickets if we close for health and safety reasons.
•    Tickets booked in error are not refundable.

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